Teacher Accountability but NO Accountability on VA or Benghazi scandals

Teachers have been stripped of their autonomy in the classroom over the years due to federal education reforms. From Goals 2000, to No Child Left Behind and now to Common Core, the federal reforms have slowly stripped teachers of their autonomy. The bureaucrats tell...

CALL TO ACTION: E-mail State Representative Judith Spang

CALL TO ACTION: Please E-MAIL Rep. Judith Spang the following article Her e-mail address is: judith@kestrelnet.net Rep. Spang (D-Durham) continues to deny that standardized test scores will be used to evaluate teachers. As you can see from this article, there is...

Teachers, Has This Happened to You?

This was reported to us as having happened to a teacher from NH as far back as the late 1990s. The situation is not getting better. It’s very Orwellian and as if we live in a country where we must conform to government political bias or not have a job. If you...