Teachers have been stripped of their autonomy in the classroom over the years due to federal education reforms. From Goals 2000, to No Child Left Behind and now to Common Core, the federal reforms have slowly stripped teachers of their autonomy.

The bureaucrats tell us, we need ACCOUNTABILITY in education. We would agree. Why haven’t they been held accountable for their failed policies?

The bureaucrats tell us, we need ACCOUNTABILITY by tying a teacher’s evaluation to flawed Common Core assessments. The tool that drives the curriculum.

We believe schools should be accountable, to PARENTS and to those live in their community. LOCAL CONTROL.

Isn’t it interesting that the SAME people who call for accountability in schools never hold themselves accountable?

After the Veterans Administration scandal, who lost their job? NO ONE.
After the Benghazi scandal, who lost their job? NO ONE.

Who’s losing their jobs due to the Common Core failures? Teachers.