Even though you were warned years ago by teachers who knew that the word “global” was not being tossed around in training for no reason, the United Nations was in the process of taking over your public schools.

Through federal mandates such as Goals 2000, Common Core, and other programs, the UN’s World Core Curriculum and its values system is fully embedded in American public schools.

What is the purpose of this UN curriculum? It’s pretty simple. The schools are being told they must prepare the students for “global citizenship”.

Translation? Students are to be trained to live in a society where there is one global governmental authority, one world religion, and one loyalty. Family, country, and the sovereignty of the United States under a Constitutional Republic will no longer be acceptable because there will be no such thing as local government.

This has been the goal of the communists at the UN, all along.

And who has been pushing us toward this? Both Democrats and Republicans who support the policies that promote these ideas are equally guilty.

Please watch this short clip for more information.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:
Know Your Enemy – The World Core Curriculum