How the UN Has Taken Over Your Schools

Even though you were warned years ago by teachers who knew that the word “global” was not being tossed around in training for no reason, the United Nations was in the process of taking over your public schools. Through federal mandates such as Goals 2000,...

School Administrators in NH Bullying Parents and Children on Testing

Every year we read or hear from parents about how their school administrators are misleading parents who refuse to let their children take the annual standardized test. Some administrators even resort to bullying parents and children. If you are concerned about the...

Suggested Note to School Administrators: REFUSE TESTING

Below is a suggested note to send to school administrators when REFUSING the state assessments. Suggestion: Send a copy to all of your school board members, State Representativess and State Senators NOTE: Read more about how the NAEP is not collecting personal data...

Less TESTING With PACE? Think Again

States have been ditching the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for a few years now. Public backlash has caused some governors to reassess whether they should be using the highly controversial assessments in their public schools. In NH, Governor Hassan and the...

More Psychological Profiling of NH Students Coming

Thanks to Education Liberty Watch – Constitutional, Statutory, and Privacy Concerns with Assessing Mindsets in the NAEP for notifying us of another way the Feds are gathering psychological data on our children. Make sure you REFUSE the Smarter Balanced, SAT,...

Why Refuse Common Core Tests? Here Are Your Answers, Parents

WHY REFUSE SMARTER BALANCED TESTING? Parents should be asking “why does the state want the children to take Common Core tests Many New Hampshire children did not take the Smarter Balanced Math and ELA assessments last year. Here are reasons why parents said they...