How the UN Has Taken Over Your Schools

Even though you were warned years ago by teachers who knew that the word “global” was not being tossed around in training for no reason, the United Nations was in the process of taking over your public schools. Through federal mandates such as Goals 2000,...

Common Core is a Common Failure

Why? Every day you read in the news about how, after switching to Common Core, achievement has plummeted. And yet, officials keep defending this failed system. In Massachusetts: “A new report by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute found that since switched to new...

Agency Based Education

This video sums up what is wrong with our schools in one shot: Indoctrination for good workers in the one world order, and data-mining for other uses. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: Agency Based...

Who is Trying to Destroy Public Education in NH? We Name Names

We decided to stay out of the politics when Governor Sununu appointed a new Commissioner of Education. The former Commissioner was a huge disappointment to all of us because of her allegiance to the dumbed down Common Core Standards. We never know if a new...

Tracing the Origins of Today’s Education

School to Work; Goals 2000; Outcome Based Education The following excerpt from the Congressional Record neatly summarizes and exposes the origins and intents of OBE, STW, and Goals 2000. HON. HENRY HYDE in the House of Representatives THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1997 Mr. HYDE:...