Collecting Data on Your Kids in the Name of Personalized Learning

In a blog post by Diane Ravitch, we actually thought the comments at the end were more interesting and informative: colomom – August 13, 2016 at 3:06 PM Another problem with online Machine Learning, (AKA Adaptive Learning, Personalized Learning) is the online...

NH Parents Say NO to Psychological Profiling Their Children in School

Since this is all part of the Common Core reform agenda, it’s important that parents speak up. This is an informed parent in Portsmouth who has taken the time to educate herself and let other parents know what is going on in their public schools. Vote No on...

How Planned Parenthood Recruits

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda

State School Board Chairs Often Unqualified

Consider that you are being ruled over by unelected, appointed cronies of whatever party is in power at the time. Those individuals may not even be qualified for the dubious positions may they hold. In particular we are referring to current SSB Chair Tom Raffio, who...

Our Right to Refuse Testing in ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)

In the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) the following is found: “school districts must inform parents of their rights under State law or local policy to opt their children out of any assessments mandated by the Act, by the state, or by the local school district”....