
Every day you read in the news about how, after switching to Common Core, achievement has plummeted. And yet, officials keep defending this failed system.

In Massachusetts: “A new report by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute found that since switched to new educational standards to be in line with national Common Core in 2010, Massachusetts’ success in math and English education has diminished, and scores on national tests have gone down. Public officials have defended the new standards. The Sun’s reporter at the State House, J.D. Capelouto, has this story.”

Pioneer Institute

In Illinois: Statewide test results: 72 percent of Williamsville Junior students failed math

“About 28 percent of Williamsville Junior High School students passed annual math assessments in 2017 and nearly three quarters of students failed, according to a Sangamon Sun analysis of the latest Illinois schools report card.

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC, is administered to third- through eighth-graders in Illinois, testing them in reading and math based on Common Core standards.”

In New Jersey: Reports’ Claims of Achievement Growth in Newark Fall Flat

“According to the reports, the Zuckerberg donation initiated a series of “reforms” in the Newark schools. These reforms are divided into “within-school” (personnel changes, Common Core implementation, turnaround schools, and a teacher contract featuring differentiated pay) and “between-school” (school closures, charter school expansion, and universal enrollment) components.”