May 7, 2024
Governor Ron DeSantis: “Florida has once again been ranked #1 in education by @usnews This is the second year in a row for the overall #1 spot, and the EIGHTH year in a row for the #1 ranking in higher education. Florida also has ranked #1 in empowering parents...
Apr 28, 2024
NH’s foreign born population better educated than our native born population? Sen. Wooburn offered no detailed facts to back up his statement nor has he been engaged in the fight against the dumbed down Common Core education reform that’s been plaguing our...
Dec 5, 2017
In this presentation from a 2017 conference, JaKell Sullivan talks about comprehensive sexual education and the agenda of the educational power brokers. In 30 minutes you will learn what is going on in the public schools with Competency Based Ed, Personalized...
Oct 25, 2017
Since Bill Gates (funder of Common Core) “tacitly admits” Common Core was a failure, it’s time to ask your Superintendent what they plan on doing now? Why did they go along with this education reform with no evidence it works? Parents pay enormous...
Aug 4, 2017
So does this mean that Senator (former Governor) Hassan lied to us when she supported Common Core as standards that would make students “college” ready? Way to fail NH students Senator! Hey, Remember Common Core? A hidden point in a New York Times article...