Feb 5, 2015
The NH Senate Education Committee just voted to ITL (kill) SB 101, a bill prohibiting the state from requiring the implementation of common core standards. It’s time to contact your NH State Senator and demand that the Senate PASS SB 101 to openly acknowledge...
Jan 14, 2015
NEW HAMPSHIRE: You are encouraged to attend this important hearing on Common Core. IF you cannot make the hearing, please write to the Senate Education Committee and ask them to SUPPORT this important legislation: john.reagan111@gmail.com Senator John Reagan (Chair)...
Dec 16, 2014
One of the many problems with the “appointed” members of the New Hampshire Board of Education is, they do not answer to the people of New Hampshire. Below you will see a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Education in New Hampshire seeking approval...
Dec 5, 2014
A new bill will be sponsored that will attempt to stop illegal “regional” groups from making educational policy “without the knowledge or consent of parents or their elected representatives”. From the taxpayers who had the bill crafted comes...
Oct 19, 2014
Last year HB1508 was introduced in the NH House. The Democratic majority voted AGAINST this legislation and against YOUR children and teachers. Here is a list of State Reps who VOTED FOR YOUR CHILDREN and TEACHERS. It’s important to SUPPORT these legislators...
Aug 28, 2014
GOV. PENCE of IN has been a great Conservative voice in the past. However he’s been a complete failure in IN when it comes to leading IN out of Common Core. YES, they did repeal Common Core in IN, however they simply did what Gov. Mike Huckabee suggested and...