GOV. PENCE of IN has been a great Conservative voice in the past. However he’s been a complete failure in IN when it comes to leading IN out of Common Core.

YES, they did repeal Common Core in IN, however they simply did what Gov. Mike Huckabee suggested and REBRANDED Common Core and called it IN state standards.

This is unfortunate because PRIOR to Common Core, IN had some of the BEST standards in the country. What a HUGE disappointment for the parents in that state.

Gov. Pence is supposed to run for President, and if this is what he’s willing to do to FOOL parents, NH residents need to keep this in mind. We don’t want Obama’s Common Core, we want something BETTER.

So what do the TYRANTS at the U.S. DOE do to states who reject Common Core? They pull back their ILLEGAL No Child Left Behind Waiver.

However they didn’t pull IN’s waiver back, they gave them a 1 YEAR extension. This is how KING’s operate, not elected representatives of the PEOPLE.

OK, had their waiver pulled.

Now think if EVERY Governor rejected the ILLEGAL NCLB waivers and told Obama that he can no longer use the ILLEGAL waivers to coerce states. Obama would have to go back to Congress and yes, possibly REPEAL NO Child Left Behind.

Obama wants NO part of repealing the law when he can USE it against Governors.

Where is the LEADERSHIP from Governor Hassan?

Read more below:

Common Core repeal costs Oklahoma its NCLB waiver