Governor Hassan’s Education Failure: Common Core

Has anyone noticed that Governor Hassan, in her campaign for U.S. Senate, hasn’t addressed the important issue of Common Core? I suppose if you were running for a seat in the United States Senate, you wouldn’t want to bring up this controversial issue...

Collecting Data on Your Kids in the Name of Personalized Learning

In a blog post by Diane Ravitch, we actually thought the comments at the end were more interesting and informative: colomom – August 13, 2016 at 3:06 PM Another problem with online Machine Learning, (AKA Adaptive Learning, Personalized Learning) is the online...

Common Core Math Deficiencies

Do you know what’s missing from the Common Core Math Standards? What are the deficiencies? Do your school board members know? Do your school administrators know? They should. Not only should they know, they should be making sure parents and school board members...

NH Parents Say NO to Psychological Profiling Their Children in School

Since this is all part of the Common Core reform agenda, it’s important that parents speak up. This is an informed parent in Portsmouth who has taken the time to educate herself and let other parents know what is going on in their public schools. Vote No on...

While Governor Hassan Throws Your Kids Under the Bus

Teachers and administrators can finally speak their minds, now that the Governor Herbert (Utah) admitted that his own grandchildren and children hate Common Core, and that the Common Core represents a loss of local freedoms. This is great news, even if he’s...

Less TESTING With PACE? Think Again

States have been ditching the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for a few years now. Public backlash has caused some governors to reassess whether they should be using the highly controversial assessments in their public schools. In NH, Governor Hassan and the...

More Psychological Profiling of NH Students Coming

Thanks to Education Liberty Watch – Constitutional, Statutory, and Privacy Concerns with Assessing Mindsets in the NAEP for notifying us of another way the Feds are gathering psychological data on our children. Make sure you REFUSE the Smarter Balanced, SAT,...