Who is Trying to Destroy Public Education in NH? We Name Names

We decided to stay out of the politics when Governor Sununu appointed a new Commissioner of Education. The former Commissioner was a huge disappointment to all of us because of her allegiance to the dumbed down Common Core Standards. We never know if a new...

Tracing the Origins of Today’s Education

School to Work; Goals 2000; Outcome Based Education The following excerpt from the Congressional Record neatly summarizes and exposes the origins and intents of OBE, STW, and Goals 2000. HON. HENRY HYDE in the House of Representatives THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1997 Mr. HYDE:...

Suggested Note to School Administrators: REFUSE TESTING

Below is a suggested note to send to school administrators when REFUSING the state assessments. Suggestion: Send a copy to all of your school board members, State Representativess and State Senators NOTE: Read more about how the NAEP is not collecting personal data...

Goodbye Teachers, Hello Computers?

Teachers have known for a while that their jobs were in jeopardy. There has been a push to get teachers to become facilitators in the classroom versus instructors in education. You can see it in the Nellie Mae publications and grant applications focused on...

WARNING: From NH Teacher/Mother on Common Core

We received a letter from a parent/teacher in New Hampshire. She asked that her name be removed. Parents are removing their kids from the public schools but it’s even more telling that this one is a teacher too. We hear from many parents and teachers and we...


URGENT CALL TO ACTION WE NEED YOU, next week, to come to Concord and tell the House Education Committee NO to Common Core in NH. TUESDAY January 17th at 11:20 AM – Room 207 Legislative Office Building behind the State House. Please come and tell the legislators...

BAD NEWS on Trump’s U.S. Secretary of Ed Appointment

President Elect Trump ran his campaign opposing Common Core. We need to remind our readers that Common Core is FAR MORE than just a set of poor academic standards. This is an entire transformation of public education from a liberal arts education to dumb down...

VanOstern: Just Another Common Core Supporter Deceiving Parents

Is VanOstern trying to deceive parents on his support for Common Core? IF you look at his web site, he says, In his debates with Chris Sununu, he dodges the question on Common Core. Chris Sununu has said he would remove Common Core from New Hampshire Schools....

Governor Hassan’s Legacy: The Common Core Failure

There’s not much more to add to this except to say, this is the legacy from the Hassan tenure. This is a copy of a homework assignment given to a 3rd grade New Hampshire student. We believe it speaks for itself. Suggestions for parents: 1) Keep taking these...