Here is Where the Money Goes

PORTLAND TEACHERS WARNED: “KEEP ON THE LOOKOUT FOR WHITENESS” This is what teachers must endure: highly paid consultants that teach them they are bad people and racists because they are white. One wrote: “Keep on the lookout for where whiteness shows up, share that...


What federal mandates will be forced upon NH public schools over the next FOUR YEARS under the Commissioner’s new NCLB Waiver – which up to this point has been shrouded in secrecy? These decisions should be made in “consultation with educators at all...

NEA-NH: A Voice For Teachers ?

Teachers in NH, are you being well served by your union representation? IF not, please make sure you are letting them know where you stand on Common Core and the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Last year we had an opportunity to withdraw from Common Core and all of the...

Teachers, Has This Happened to You?

This was reported to us as having happened to a teacher from NH as far back as the late 1990s. The situation is not getting better. It’s very Orwellian and as if we live in a country where we must conform to government political bias or not have a job. If you...

Governor Hassan’s Commissioner BEGS for MORE Standardized Testing

Council of Chief State School Officers Beg Congress to Keep Mass Standardized Testing in place. NOW who is PART of the Council of Chief State School Officers from NH? That would be Commissioner Virginia Barry This is who Governor Hassan appointed as the Department...