Teachers Know Common Core is an Attack on Them!

(Note: We know teachers are under attack via Common Core.  Here is a letter sent to Donna Garner, a retired teacher and political activist, from a teacher in LA.  Also note that teachers cannot speak publicly against Common Core because many will face a hostile work...

Many teachers OPPOSE the nomination of Bill Duncan to the Board of Ed

At stopcommoncorenh.org we are a non-partisan, diverse group of parents and teachers working together to stop the corporate and big government take over of education in New Hampshire. We come together with diverse backgrounds including our political views.  We may not...

Our Coercive U.S. Department of Education

I guess one would be led to believe that having the U.S. Department of Education REVOKE the state’s No Child Left Behind Waiver was a bad thing.  We would ask you to consider a few things first. If every state rejected Common Core and all of the strings attached...