Oklahoma repeals Common Core education standards

Fallin signed the bill, stating: “We are capable of developing our own Oklahoma academic standards that will be better than Common Core. Now is the time for Oklahomans – parents, citizens, educators, employers and elected officials – to unite behind the common goal of...

S.C. Governor Signs Bill Requiring State to Replace Common Core

S.C. Governor Signs Bill Requiring State to Replace Common Core By Andrew Ujifusa June 4, 2014 Republican Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina has signed a bill that requires the state to adopt new content standards for the 2015-16 school year and drop the Common Core...

The Common Core Is Tough on Kids With Special Needs

The standards don’t allow enough flexibility for students who learn differently KATHARINE BEALS Feb 21 2014, 7:46 AM ET In a recent discussion board thread on reading comprehension challenges in autism, a special-education teacher commented that her students...

Group: Common Core Standards Violate Constitution

FORT JENNINGS — Members of the Putnam County Common Core group addressed Fort Jennings School Board members and spoke out against Common Core standards during Wednesday night’s meeting. Lincoln Bramlage, Rose Stechschulte, Stephanie Stechschulte and Glenn Karhoff each...

Outrageous Comments Reveal True Purpose of “Education”

Our friend Kim Morin did a great job of outlining the outrage over the statements made by a school teacher at last night’s Common Core forum. In 2014, an author of the common core’s English/language arts standards, David Pook, a teacher at a New Hampshire...