Our friend Kim Morin did a great job of outlining the outrage over the statements made by a school teacher at last night’s Common Core forum.

In 2014, an author of the common core’s English/language arts standards, David Pook, a teacher at a New Hampshire private school, said he recognized his relatively privileged place in America as a white man, and that one of his reasons for contributing to the common core was to help “all kids get an equal opportunity…”

“The opponents brought up facts about Common Core that are well-known by now: kids aren’t developmentally ready at certain ages; the math is sub-standard for any type of advancement in science and math; it does not promote college readiness unless to a 2-year college. Probably the most disturbing part about the debate was the closing arguments at the end. A teacher at a private school, Dr. Pook, actually argued that Common Core was necessary due to his “White Privilege”.”

At least they are finally not trying to hide the purpose of education — social engineering.

Girard at Large also covered the forum. You can hear the whole debate here.

Here are some selected clips.

Common Core and White Privilege: The Claim With a Long Internet Life