Common Core Math Deficiencies

Do you know what’s missing from the Common Core Math Standards? What are the deficiencies? Do your school board members know? Do your school administrators know? They should. Not only should they know, they should be making sure parents and school board members...

State School Board Chairs Often Unqualified

Consider that you are being ruled over by unelected, appointed cronies of whatever party is in power at the time. Those individuals may not even be qualified for the dubious positions may they hold. In particular we are referring to current SSB Chair Tom Raffio, who...

Graphic Dating Survey Developed in NH

Graphic “dating” survey given to high school students in Andover, Mass. Crude questions on sexual experience, homosexuality, criminal assault, and more. Outraged parents confront school officials. “According to the press report, this survey was created by a...

Now the State Will Instill Values in Your Children??

We received a message from a parent regarding the new social and emotional learning that Portsmouth has been using in their schools. Just saw a reference to this in a school newsletter. Apparently it has been used in Portsmouth elementary school for the past 4 yrs. It...

BOMBSHELL: What We Always Knew About These Programs

Common Core is no different. These federal programs (illegal we might add) are nothing but fads crafted to make money for admins and other consultants while teachers have to suffer using bogus methods while taking the heat for their failures. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt...