Jun 2, 2015
Our kids aren’t getting dumber. It’s the unrealistic expectations of the Common Core that are the problem. Editorial in Baltimore Sun about Common Core being developmentally inappropriate. The Common Core can’t speed up child development...
May 25, 2015
Perfectly Incorrect: Why The Common Core Is Psychologically And Cognitively Unsound We just stumbled upon a book that caught our attention. It looks like this might be a good book to send to your local Superintendent after you’ve read it. In fact, it might be a...
Apr 17, 2015
Elementary School Children Forced to Yell Vulgarities at a Life-Size Paper Man, While Ripping Him to Shreds––in the Classroom April 16, 2015 Keith A Katsikas Jr. New information has been found that corroborates the claims in this article. See new link at the bottom of...
Apr 15, 2015
It seems as if Governor Hassan will not have town-hall meetings where parents can discuss their concerns with Common Core. Now her Commissioner of Education, Virginia Barry refuses toVirginia Barry (Refuses to Visit) letter to Manchester School Board 4-8-15 meet with...
Mar 9, 2015
HB303 would have put into statute a law that would prohibit dispositional testing and written consent for psychological treatment. The MAJORITY voted YEA to KILL this important legislation. (See above picture to note who voted YES to KILL your parental rights) HB303...
Mar 7, 2015
Statements from Early Childhood Health and Education Experts who warned, Common Core was not appropriate for Early Learners: http://www.allianceforchildhood.org/sites/allianceforchildhood.org/files/file/Comments%20from%20signers%2003_18_10.pdf