Bullying OF Teachers Who Oppose Common Core Should Be UNACCEPTABLE

We hope Governor Hassan and Commissioner Barry will issue a STRONG stance against the bullying of any teachers in New Hampshire who publicly speak out on the problems they are seeing with Common Core. We’ve had some courageous teachers in New Hampshire speak out...

New Bill to Stop Regionalism in Education

A new bill will be sponsored that will attempt to stop illegal “regional” groups from making educational policy “without the knowledge or consent of parents or their elected representatives”. From the taxpayers who had the bill crafted comes...

Typical Brainwashing Example

This is from a typical lesson that may be included with International Baccalaureate or Common Core curricula. Teaching children the wrong things…click for larger view to read. More atrocities… Who gives us our rights?

Pittsfield Under Attack by NGOs, Foundations and PR Firms

We bet most of the parents and taxpayers in Pittsfield and Manchester (two Annenberg partners in NH – there is also a Youth Organizers United in Manchester) have no idea they need to deal with a PR Firm created by an NGO/foundation out of UNH (Carsey Institute)...

Senator Shaheen Sells Out New Hampshire Children

This is a form letter sent to a New Hampshire resident by Sen. Shaheen.   Grassroots?  Did she really say that Common Core was a grassroots effort? AS you read this this letter, ask yourself when you first learned about Common Core.  Was it in 2010 when the NH Board...