Jan 6, 2015
This is an example of a math problem given to a 1st grader (7 year old) in the Pittsfield school district. This was sent by a mom who is frustrated by the math problems that are being assigned to the young children. This is an extremely challenging problem for a 1st...
Jan 5, 2015
Joy Pullman in The Federalist pulls no punches in her latest on Common Core and her list of who the players are, what they did, and how much they have benefitted monetarily. Ten Common Core Promoters Laughing All The Way To The Bank...
Jan 5, 2015
1.4.15 ANTI-COMMON CORE LOUIE GOHMERT TO RUN AGAINST JOHN BOEHNER FOR SPEAKER OF U. S. HOUSE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zCAMTZDmeE ACTION STEP: If you want Louie Gohmert to be the speaker of the U. S. House rather than John Boehner, please contact your...
Dec 30, 2014
The Department of Education has proposed a new rule that would link student’s test scores on standardized tests to new teachers’ performance and back to their teacher preparation programs – denying the schools funding if these teachers do not produce...
Dec 28, 2014
Hopefully, the Department will stop bullying the other school districts as well. The Department never held a single Public Hearing on the proposed Smarter Balanced Assessments. It’s not surprising that many school board members, principals and teachers are...