State School Board Chairs Often Unqualified

Consider that you are being ruled over by unelected, appointed cronies of whatever party is in power at the time. Those individuals may not even be qualified for the dubious positions may they hold. In particular we are referring to current SSB Chair Tom Raffio, who...

Graphic Dating Survey Developed in NH

Graphic “dating” survey given to high school students in Andover, Mass. Crude questions on sexual experience, homosexuality, criminal assault, and more. Outraged parents confront school officials. “According to the press report, this survey was created by a...

Letter: Education Hijacked

Letter: Education Hijacked Posted: March 04, 2016 by Deirdre Clemons, Naples Most colleges promote anti-American, pro-Marxist themes. However, unbeknownst to parents, education reforms over the last 40 years in K-12 have also shifted from teaching academics (basic...

S 306 Must Be Stopped

by Anita Hoge The challenge is on. Today, News With Views released my rebuttal to Michael Farris, HSLDA. As everyone who has been following the federal legislation of Sen. Ted Cruz knows, that S 306 attached to Alexander’s and Kline’s Reauthorization of...

National Campaign Launched to Abolish U.S. Education Department

Indeed this is the crux of the matter. Do the feds, or even the state, have a right to interfere in local educational matters? We have always thought arguing about “standards” imposed by the feds or state, gave them too much legitimacy when the REAL...