NOTHING supersedes parental rights. They are affirmed in the U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment substantive due process grounds: (i.e., my right to nurture, raise, and direct the education of my child, my right and my child’s right to personal liberty, my right to...

Math Education via Common Core in NH Claims More Children As Victims

The Legislative Session begins in Concord next week as legislators start hearing testimony on legislation that has been submitted. There are several Bills addressing Common Core, privacy and assessments.  Below is a letter sent to the Senate Education Committee by a...

The NH DoE Acknowledges the RIGHT of Parents to Opt Out Their Child

Hopefully the following information will help parents put to rest their fundamental rights to guide and direct the education of their children.  We know parents have been receiving conflicting information from their school administrators on whether or not they have...

School Boards Shutting Out Taxpayers, Again

At around 1:00:00 you will see the Windham School Board talking about a no-bid contract. Watch when Board Member Ken Eyring asks for more time to research and to get input from members of the community. When someone asks a question, the cops are called. This is a...