Common Core Forum coming to New Ipswich School district

Parents have contacted us about an upcoming forum on Common Core in New Ipswich. There is nothing on the school’s web site so you might want to call the school directly to confirm the speakers, etc. (603) 878-1113 The 16th of April at 6:00 pm held at the...

The RADICALIZATION of New Hampshire Teachers and Children

We’ve been warning about the Obama redesign in public education taking place in our New Hampshire Schools. There is a fundamental shift from public schools focused on literacy through a liberal arts education, to a workforce development model. This model has...

Schools Release Private Student Data

A parent once contacted the SCCNH blog because that parent was upset that it was revealed on this website an email that showed their child taking part in school curriculum, all of which is subject to public knowledge. The trouble here was, this curriculum was forcing...

New Hampshire Teacher Speaks Up: Is Anyone Listening?

We recently came across this post from a New Hampshire teacher who was courageous enough to speak up. The question now; is anyone listening? April 6, 2015 A LETTER TO THE EDITOR A recent article in the Londonderry Times regarding concerns about the new, Common Core...

What to do when your school administrators mislead you

Many parents in New Hampshire and in other states are trying to opt their children out of the annual standardized assessments. In New Hampshire schools began testing students with the Smarter Balanced Assessment this month. Parents across the state have done their...

Governor Jeb Bush and the NEA: Working Against NH Parents

Governor Jeb Bush came to New Hampshire a few weeks ago and told us why we should support the re-authorization of No Child Left Behind NCLB. Many teachers and parents were shocked to learn the Governor not only supports the Common Core Standards in our schools, but...

Obama Orders Psych Testing On Students: Support HB303 & HB206

Obama orders mental health testing on school kids HB 303 The NH House LAID HB 303 on the table and it will take voters to demand it be TAKEN OFF the table and...