We’ve been asked to dissect political organizations that are popping up in the name of ‘protecting public education.’

WHY? Because many people are figuring out, these organizations are developing for the purpose of carrying out the Federal Common Core reform agenda.

We will start with “Reaching Higher NH” and their mission statement : http://reachinghighernh.org/about-2/our-mission/
(denotes our comments)

Mission Statement:
Promote the continued successful adoption and implementation of college and career readiness standards in New Hampshire school districts
(THIS IS CODE FOR COMMON CORE. They changed the name from Common Core to “college and career readiness standards to mislead parents)

Expand personalized learning based on competency-based education.
(Competency Based ed is part of the Federal agenda. It’s the old failed fad that used to be called Outcome Based Education: http://nhfamiliesforeducation.org/content/maine-state-board-education-member-speaks-out-against-competency-based-education)

Support a system of high quality assessment that allows parents, teachers and school administrators to evaluate individual student learning and progress.
(CODE for Common Core/Competency Based Assessments like PACE which was rejected by the New Hampshire legislators https://stopcommoncorenh.org/sccnh/2015/03/19/oh-my-look-at-whos-assisting-the-teachers-in-the-pace-program/ )

Support and promote initiatives that strengthen public education and better educational outcomes for students.
(CODE: Support the Federal reforms that are destroying public education)

Raise public awareness about these issues.
(Part of community organizing involves frequent PR gimmicks)

Work with key stakeholders to educate New Hampshire citizens about these issues.
(Businesses & Union lobbyists, NOT parents or teachers who hate the Federal govt. reforms)

Examples of efforts we support

Access to pre-K for every New Hampshire child, regardless of family economic status.
(This is part of the Obama reform agenda tied to workforce development training. Children/students = human capital http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/03/universal-preschools-empty-promises)

Expansion of alternative assessment models.
(Support for the PACE assessments the NH legislators rejected in HB323 https://stopcommoncorenh.org/sccnh/2015/03/19/oh-my-look-at-whos-assisting-the-teachers-in-the-pace-program/)

Efforts of our business, political and education leadership to create new STEM and STEAM career opportunities for our students.
(The Common Core standards do not prepare students for STEM or STEAM http://pioneerinstitute.org/news/lowering-the-bar-how-common-core-math-fails-to-prepare-students-for-stem/)

Advancement of charter schools as partners to our public education system.

Updating New Hampshire’s College and Career Ready science standards with up-to-date, research-based standards.
(Code for : adopting the problematic and dumbed down Next Generation Science Standards http://etcjournal.com/2013/01/22/next-generation-science-standards-fall-flat/)