Parents, now that the schools are collecting all kinds of data on your children, it’s important to find out where it’s going.
We advise filing a “Right To Know” request to obtain information on what’s being collected and where that information is being sent.
Send a 91-A Right to Know request to your local Superintendent and the New Hampshire Department of Education.
It’s important to ask questions like;
1) Provide a list of data that is currently being collected on my children.
2) Provide copies of my child’s school records.
3) Provide information on what data/information has left the school and where it went.
4) What outside vendors are currently collecting data/information on my children ?
5) Is there a privacy policy that you follow that guides who can receive information/data on my child?
Here is a sample you an use when requesting information:
Check your school’s policy on privacy. If there is no policy or a policy needs to be updated, look for local privacy policies and take that to your School Board. You can ask to be put on the agenda the next public school board meeting and present a sample privacy policy. Ask for that policy to be adopted by the board to ensure they are doing their best to protect their sensitive information.
Additional Info: PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student to USDoE
NY Times: Student Data Collection Is Out Of Control
National Science Foundation Awards $4.8 Million to Mine Student Data
Millions of Student Records Sold in Bankruptcy Case
What Data is Collected From Kindergarten Students Without Parental Consent