For those of you who’ve researched Common Core know this is a money maker for companies and vendors who are cashing in on the dumbed down education reform.

David “White Privilege” Pook is holding a workshop on CC$$ writing.

CCSS Writing with David Pook
This workshop offers teachers and administrators alike insights into how the Common Core Writing Standards were designed and how to make them come alive in K-12 classrooms. The morning will concentrate on the close connection between the reading and writing standards, and how to generate text dependent writing tasks based on the standards. The afternoon session will delve more deeply into the different types of writing called for by the standards to grasp their similarities and differences, and learn more about how to assess writing using the standards—and how writing will be assessed on Next Generation assessments like Smarter Balanced. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in best practices around generating CCSS aligned writing instruction and assessment, and attendees will receive timely constructive feedback about how to proceed with the opportunities and challenges that stem from adopting and implementing the Common Core Writing Standards. It will take p lace June 5, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at North Country Education Services. Register online at or call (603) 466-5437 (between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or e-mail

Staff from full member schools $125
Associate member schools $145
All others $175

Now we have to ask David “White Privilege” Pook, did you really write the dumbed down Common Core English Standards to end white privilege OR to make $$$ off of the dumbed down reform?
Mr. David “White Privilege” Pook… profiting off “professional development”.