IMPORTANT BILLS TOMORROW. PLEASE attend the hearings if you can.
Come to the Legislative Office Building BEHIND the State House:

HB 206
AN ACT relative to non-academic surveys or questionnaires given to students.
SUPPORT with AVARD amendment that will require WRITTEN consent from parents on surveys.

9:40 am in room 103 before the Senate Education Committee.
Come into the room and sign the sheet. Sign in SUPPORTING HB206 WITH AMENDMENT.
IF you can get up and speak, please also mark that you are wanting to speak.
Get there about 9:30 to make sure you sign the sheet.

IF you cannot attend this hearing, please send an e-mail (with your address) to the Senators in support of HB206 with the Avard Amendment that requires written parental consent on all surveys


AN ACT prohibiting the state from requiring implementation of common core standards.
11:15 am in room 207 before the House Education Committee
Come into the room and sign the sheet in SUPPORT.
If you can speak to the Committee, PLEASE do.
You will need to fill out a PINK CARD and turn it in to one of the Members of the Committee.

Get there about 11:00am

If you cannot attend this hearing, send an e-mail to the NH State Reps supporting SB101