WE NEED YOU, next week, to come to Concord and tell the House Education Committee NO to Common Core in NH.

TUESDAY January 17th at 11:20 AM – Room 207 Legislative Office Building behind the State House.
Please come and tell the legislators the problems you’ve seen in your schools with Common Core.
Tell them to vote Ought to Pass on HB 207

Here is a link to the proposed legislation: HB 207

This bill prohibits the department of education and the state board of education from requiring any school or school district to implement the common core standards.

When you arrive, fill out a PINK CARD and hand it to one of the committee members. They will then call you up to speak.

Please also sign the blue sheet in FAVOR of HB 207

It’s important to COME to the hearing. We need as many parents there as possible.
IF you cannot make the public hearing, please send and e-mail to the House and Senate Education Committee: HouseEducationCommittee@leg.state.nh.us and Senators@leg.state.nh.us