
Date ___________

Dear ______________________, (School, and District, and State Department of Education)* (e.g.Dr. Virginia Barry,Commissioner, New Hampshire Department of Education, 101 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301-3860,, (603) 271-3144)

Per the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 34: Education Part 99-Family Educational Rights and Privacy, Subpart D, I am requesting the following:

(1). Please provide a record of each request for access to and each disclosure and re-disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records of my child (ren) listed here:


For each request or disclosure the record must include:

(i) The parties* who have requested or received personally identifiable information from the education records; and

(ii) The legitimate interests** the parties had in requesting or obtaining the information.

An educational agency or institution must obtain a copy of the record of further disclosures maintained under paragraph (b)(2) of this section and make it available in response to a parent’s or eligible student’s request

(i) The names of the additional parties to which the receiving party may disclose the information on behalf of the educational agency or institution; and

(ii) The legitimate interests under §99.31 which each of the additional parties has in requesting or obtaining the information.

(2)(i) A State or local educational authority or Federal official or agency listed in §99.31(a)(3) that makes further disclosures of information from education records under §99.33(b) must record the names of the additional parties to which it discloses information on behalf of an educational agency or institution and their legitimate interests

*Please provide names and contact information for the parties

**Please provide data elements requested and disclosed, and their purpose

(2). Additionally, please provide a record of all parties who have received my child’s de-identified or aggregate data, along with the legitimate interests.

By receipt of this letter, you affirm your responsibility to comply with Federal law and you acknowledge the information you provide is accurate.

Thank you,

Parent or Guardian
Contact information of Parent or Guardian.

Federal Law sited at

Fed Govt Law

Hat/Tip: Parent’s Right To Know from Missouri Watchdog