WARNING: Is there an effort to eliminate local control and local school boards in New Hampshire?

Dear Friends:
We need you to mark your calendar for TUESDAY Nov.10th at 9am. We need you to attend a meeting at the Legislative Office Building rooms: 210-211. There is an important meeting with Marc Tucker and New Hampshire Legislators.

Marc Tucker has been a vocal supporter of eliminating local control and local school boards. He is also famous for writing the “Letter to Hillary Clinton” on November 1, 1992. In this letter he lays out a plan to overtake individual state sovereignty of education. He writes, “We think the great opportunity you have is to remold the entire American system for human resources development…” This has essentially become the blueprint for the redesigning of public education under the Obama Administration.

This new system will be the “cradle to grave” we heard about years ago. This is a seamless web government system, designed to manage human resources.
This new system for everyone would be coordinated by labor market boards at the local, state and federal levels where curriculum and job matching will be handled by counselors. The mission is to change public schools from teaching children knowledge through rich academic content to training them for jobs selected by workforce boards in a planned economy. Nothing in his plan focuses on teaching children to read.

Tucker’s plan calls for completely redesigning education into a “national public school system.” Following his plan involves bypassing elected officials who sit on local school boards or who serve in state legislatures. It involves building a database that was set up when New Hampshire received “stimulus funding.” This new date based was set up in order to collect data on students and their families.

Marc Tucker has been invited to speak with legislators on Nov. 10th. It is important for you to first research Marc Tucker and to contact your legislators to let them know that we still value local control in education that is focused on academic excellence for all children. Students can then select the path in life they want to take rather than have the Government lay out the plan for them in an education system that would still be plagued with illiteracy.