This was just reported in by a parent in NH:

Gov. John Kasich​ was in Derry today and was questioned by a home-school mom on Common Core. Gov. Kasich then defended Common Core in Ohio by saying it’s all about local control. He said that the state set the standards and the curriculum was set by local districts.

It is just amazing how these politicians will SPIN (ok let’s face it) LIE about this issue.

Gov. Kasich is a HUGE SUPPORTER of Common Core and we know it. He has fully implemented the federal reforms in the state of Ohio.

This is what Governor Hassan tells parents too. We have local control with Common Core. Does anyone even believe this lie anymore?

This is outrageous and it’s important to NOT be fooled. If you want more proof, visit the Stop Common Core in Ohio face book page and ask those parents directly how much local control they have in their school districts. Here is another one from Ohio you can look at.

Here is the web site: Ohioans Against Common Core
Gov. Kasich needs to admit this HUGE mistake he made instead of rehashing the same talking points as our failed governor.