KENSINGTON PARENTS, we wanted to alert you to a presentation on Sexual Assault for children Kindergarten to grade 4. This will be presented on June 1st and 2nd by Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS)

Here is a video from SASS

We are not here to judge this program however we do encourage parents to be aware of what is being taught to their children. WE would suggest the following:
1) Ask to see the materials they will be using prior to the presentation
2) Look at their resources as you look over the materials
3) Do they have any INDEPENDENT studies that show their program is effective at preventing sexual abuse?
4) We suggest ALL parents sit in on the presentation

We take this issue VERY seriously however we’ve seen programs in the past that have been problematic. For instance, good touch/bad touch can leave a young child trying to determine if a touch from a loving parent is bad.

Kensington SASS Flyer