Elections have consequences.
A large number of parents showed up last year and now this year to oppose Common Core in NH. SB101 clarified that schools do not have to adopt the Common Core Standards.

The representatives of the people in the NH House and Senate listened to the people and passed SB101. However here is a list of State Reps. who voted against SB101 in the NH House.
Today, Governor Hassan refused to listen to the mothers and fathers in New Hampshire who want higher and better standards for their children.

Yesterday one of her staffers said that the NH DOE has repeatedly stated that Common Core is optional to districts. The FACT that districts across our state have been told their federal funding is at risk if they don’t adopt Common Core is irrelevant to her. She is against parents and believes in top-down mandates.

Please sign this petition to GET Common Core Out of New Hampshire and when electing a Governor, President or even a school board member, make sure they are committed to fighting for parents.