The New Hampshire Board of Ed is starting the process of adopting new Science Standards. How convenient since the new National Science Standards (think Common Core of Science) are next on the list of standards the Feds are pushing states to adopt.

The Next Generation Standards have many problems but that doesn’t seem to bother Governor Hassan in this report from her STEM Commission.

Her hand-picked commission recommends the dumbed down science standards for New Hampshire public schools. So in addition to the controversial dumbed down Math and English Standards our kids are dealing with, it looks like they are about to embark on pushing the NGSS in the next step towards fulfilling Obama’s redesign aspirations.

As you scan through the document put out by the task force, go ahead and look to see if you note any reference to the California Science Standards. The old California Science Standards (from 2000 – 2010) were written by a commission headed by the Nobel prize winner Glen Seaborg and were generally regarded as the best in the country.

Another interesting part of the report is the lack of information on the Common Core Math Standards and how they do not prepare students for programs in the STEM field. YES that’s right, the STEM task force missed the biggest problem with the Common Core math standards.

How does a Governor who says she’s concerned about making sure students have access to STEM education continue to use Common Core math standards that do not prepare students for STEM programs and now recommends the Next Generation Standards that do not include high school chemistry standards?

Is this the best she can do for NH students? We bet the kids attending elite private schools expect better for their students.

It looks like this task force had a predetermined out come and became part of the game many bureaucrats and educators play. Go through the motions and lead everyone to believe that the process was one where the individuals involved would do their best to look at all information before making a recommendation.

First they ignore the glaring problems with the Common Core Math Standards and then there is no reference to the old California Science Standards as the benchmark.

As Governor Hassan continues to facilitate the Obama agenda of redesigning NH public schools into a dumbed down workforce training model, one should note the process they are going through to reach what looks like a pre-determined outcome.

Next the NH BoE to go through the motions to adopt new science standards for NH public schools. Let’s make a prediction now; the NH BoE will come to the conclusion that New Hampshire should adopt the dumbed down Next Generation Science Standards too.

If you like to gamble, let’s just say this is a pretty safe bet.