Obama orders mental health testing on school kids


HB 303
The NH House LAID HB 303 on the table and it will take voters to demand it be TAKEN OFF the table and PASSED.

HB 303 required WRITTEN CONSENT from parents if the schools were to give your child a psychological exam. This is standard procedure for licensed Child Psychologists and should be required by school personnel too.

IT IS IMPORTANT to send an e-mail to: HReps@leg.state.nh.us


Ask the NH House to:

1) TAKE HB 303 OFF the TABLE and support HB303. Assessments should focus on testing
ACADEMIC CONTENT and not their values, attitudes and beliefs.

2) NO psychological exams on our kids without written consent from parents.

HB 206 is another Bill to support. HB 206 NEEDS TO BE AMENDED so “WRITTEN CONSENT” from parents will be required before schools survey students.

HB206 will be voted on by the Senate Education Committee and then sent to the NH Senate.

Send an e-mail to the New Hampshire Senators: Senators@leg.state.nh.us asking them to VOTE FOR HB206 with an amendment to require written consent from parents when surveying students.