What federal mandates will be forced upon NH public schools over the next FOUR YEARS under the Commissioner’s new NCLB Waiver – which up to this point has been shrouded in secrecy?
These decisions should be made in “consultation with educators at all levels, business people, government officials, community representatives, AND PARENTS” …. according to RSA 193-C.
However the NH DoE will be filing an application for a WAIVER this MONTH.
Here is some information on meetings this week you are encouraged to attend and listen in on.
MONDAY March 16th
Statewide Education Improvement & Assessment Program Legislative Oversite RSA 193-C:7
Room 207 Legislative Office Building (LOB)
9:30am Regular Meeting
TUESDAY March 17th
House Education Committee
Room 207 Legislative Office Building
10:00 am Committee meeting to receive NCLB waiver request briefing from DOE
WEDNESDAY March 25th
NH Board of Education Meeting
Room 100F, State Dept. of Education
101 Pleasant St. Concord
9:00 am No Child Left Behind/ESEA Flexibility Waiver
Submission for NH’s 4 year NCLB waiver is March 25, 2015
Pass this on to TEACHERS too, this is where the State normally agrees (NCLB waiver application) to comply with the Feds and target teachers.