STOP the Reauthorization of “No Child Left Behind” / ESEA

CALL TODAY!!! We only have a couple of days before the U.S. Congress votes on ESEA! VOTE NO ON ESEA CALL TODAY!! Rep. Frank Guinta (202) 225-5456 Rep. Annie Kuster (202) 225-5206 What to expect if this passes? Well the draft bills are telling…..The federal...

Clueless Kuster is a threat to NH students and teachers

BOTH national teachers unions are fed  with the United States Department of Education!  The LARGEST Teachers Union called for the RESIGNATION of U.S. Secretary of Education: Arne Duncan.  WAKE UP CLUELESS KUSTER. Posted on Stop Common Core in New Hampshire (Face book)...

Rep. Annie Kuster’s support for attacking NH teachers: EXPOSED

Cross posting from:  Stop Common Core in NH We couldn’t help but notice the recent commercial by Rep. Annie Kuster who is attacking her opponent Marilinda Garcia. Kuster criticizes Garcia for opposing the U.S. Department of Education.  The US DOE has a budget of...