President Elect Trump ran his campaign opposing Common Core. We need to remind our readers that Common Core is FAR MORE than just a set of poor academic standards. This is an entire transformation of public education from a liberal arts education to dumb down workforce training.

We’ve posted enough information to give our readers the bad news on workforce training courtesy of the Obama administration. This reform has progressives and some Republicans working towards the same dumbed down goal. This is why Common Core opponents aggressively worked against a Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton nominee for president.

The Common Core reform includes:

1) Dumbed down Math and English Standards
2) Dumbed down and politically motivated science standards (called Next Generation Science Standards)
3) Data mining (this is done to put kids on a path to workforce or college as determined by the State)
4) Outcome Based Education (Called Competency Based Education; focuses on dumbed down workforce skills versus academics)

This reform has been a big benefit to the tech industry and corporations that benefit from taxpayer funded education reforms but it’s been a complete disaster for public education and students.

Trump ran his campaign opposed to Common Core and in support of school choice. There are ways to support school choice and support parents who are not in the financial position to pay tuition.

Unfortunately the newly named appointment by Trump looks like she will be doing the work of Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and Pres. Obama. Let’s face it, her work at the Jeb Bush foundation helped the Obama Common Core agenda. The Bush foundation was responsible for carrying out the Obama education reforms which is why Common Core opponents fought against his nomination.

We encourage you to read through the articles listed below to understand why we are disappointed and concerned about Betsy DeVos as the new Secretary of Education.

DeVos was a board member of Jeb Bush’s Common Core-supporting education foundation (and one of its biggest donors).

It is the #JebBush #DeVos #SchoolChoice $$ that is the problem.
Common Core already served it’s purpose.
As Anita Hoge warned.

There were three major actions under the Obama administration, without legislative approval, to change two hundred years of traditional public education in the United States.

(1) The Common Core copyright, which created a national curriculum and national testing mandating that individual students meet individual standards (similar to the Obamacare individual mandate).
(2) Unlocking data ‘to flow’ through the Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, FERPA, which allows personally identifiable information on our children to flow to outside 3rd party contractors for research and curriculum development to match Common Core.
(3) No Child Left Behind Flexibility Waiver, (ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act), that is re-training teachers to teach to Common Core.
This also allowed ALL children in public school to be funded under Title I by changing the definition of who is poor or educationally deprived to anyone not meeting Common Core/College and Career Ready Standards. (Free and reduced lunch guidelines of 40% school wide were dropped to 0%.)

These three important points control standards and testing, curriculum, and teachers with all public school children being funded under Title I.

‘Obama and Progressive Republican’s Equity in Education Plan‘ for our entire country:
• charter schools replace public schools (removal of elected school board members):
• everyone has federal Title I choice funds to go to any school (charter, private or religious schools) Federal $$ comes with Federal control of (charter, private or religious schools):
• every child is taught the same standards:
• every teacher must teach the same standards:
• every test must be aligned to these standards:
• curriculum and software is aligned to standards:
• everything listed here is aligned to government data collection compliance.

“When DeVos touts “school choice,” she’s pushing an education agenda that includes requiring all the schools that take voucher money to use state-determined curriculum, like Common Core. This is how she has used her millions of dollars in the past. If she’s education secretary, we have every reason to believe it’s how she’d use even more power.
The secretary of education for President-elect Trump should be … nobody
This is a pitch-perfect way to dramatically increase the negatives of school choice just as it’s becoming popular across the country. The latest opinion polls show a dip in national support for Common Core. I suspect it’s related to this dynamic because I get communications every week from conservative parents who are suddenly against school choice because it’s brought Common Core into their private schools through vouchers.
If Trump wants to increase school choice and be known as a president who dramatically improved education options for kids, he needs to send DeVos packing. Her forms of manipulative bait-n-switch “school choice” degrade the market by replacing one set of monopolies with another one they control. That’s not school choice. That’s bureaucrat choice. In other words, same old, same old.”

Betsy DeVos as education secretary: What you need to know about Trump’s pick – See more at:

What You Need to Know about Trump’s Pick

Devos family donated $100k to Clinton Foundation
DeVos Family Donated $100K to Clinton Foundation

Will Trump-DeVos Team End Common Core?

Will Trump-DeVos Team End Common Core

Trump Picks Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education

Trump Picks Betsy DeVos