We’ve been warning about the Obama redesign in public education taking place in our New Hampshire Schools. There is a fundamental shift from public schools focused on literacy through a liberal arts education, to a workforce development model. This model has been the goal of Marc Tucker since he wrote his letter to Hillary Clinton.

This is the dumbing down of public education from one that focused on educating the child so they would be able go in a direction of their choosing, to training human capital for the workforce.

This has been a goal for many years and certainly started with prior reforms that were put in place by the U.S. Department of Education.

It’s important to remember, these education reforms do NOT focus on literacy. That is why it’s important to know who is involved and what they are doing in our New Hampshire Schools.

We’ve called attention to the Nellie Mae Grants that are coming into schools like Pittsfield.

Organizations like Annenberg, funded in part by the Gates Foundation, come into our schools to help radicalize students and teachers. They offer grant money through the Nellie Mae Foundation to greedy Superintendents who care more about money than they do your children.

If you are a parent in Pittsfield, here’s a suggestion. Send a “Right to Know” request to your Superintendent and ask him for ALL of the paperwork they had to submit to receive grant money from Nellie Mae. Then look at what your school has to do in order to get that money.

Are the parents calling the shots? NO. Parents are not asking for the teaching methods Nellie Mae requires. Are the school board members calling the shots? NO.

Keith Catone came into the Pittsfield Schools and the Manchester Public Schools but we wonder how many parents know how he wants to radicalize your teachers and children. Annenberg and Catone do not promote reading the classics, mastering math facts, etc. Instead they want to push radical political agendas.

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Catone who came out to speak to the parents in Pittsfield a while ago, failed to mention his personal goal of radicalizing teachers and students. He didn’t mention how Annenberg focuses on political agendas like “equity and social justice” versus LITERACY.

In the abstract it says:
Drawing from a larger portraiture study of four teacher activists connected to a grassroots teacher organization called the New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE), this paper sheds light upon teacher activism by primarily addressing the following question: How do teacher activists understand and explain the development of their approaches to teaching and activism? In becoming teacher activists, each of the participants in this study experiences sharp moments of apprehension about her reality and her ability to change it. From these moments, they derive their own purpose for what they do as teacher activists. Their identities as teacher activists are deeply autobiographical, drawing upon their pasts to give shape to their purpose in the present.

Is this what the NH DoE wants for our public schools? After all, the NH DoE is accepting Nellie Mae grants too.

Let’s look at this organization called New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) Do you think that maybe they care about your child’s academic education? We WISH.

No they are a radical political organization focused on radical political agendas through curriculum development in YOUR schools.

When Manchester or Pittsfield invites Annenberg radicals to work closely with the administration or teachers, parents take note. Their focus is not on making sure your kids are reading at grade level or mastering math facts.

No, this is what they want your school to focus on:
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All of this can be found by going directly to their web site.

The radicalization of students in the New Hampshire public schools is coming directly from Annenberg (think ACORN) and through the NH Dept. of Ed.

It is the Governor who sets the agenda for public education in this state. It is Governor Hassan’s department of education that continues to facilitate the dumbing down of our public schools.

If parents want their schools to go back to focusing on the basics and return to math that is logical and makes sense, then it’s up to them to speak up.

Governor Hassan is failing the students in New Hampshire and until parents demand better, the focus will be on dumbed down workforce training and radical political indoctrination.

What can you do to stop the radicalization and dumbing down in New Hampshire Schools?

1) Call Governor Hassan and tell her to STOP Common Core & STOP the Obama redesign workforce model through Competency Based ed: (603)271-2121

2) Tell your local NH State Representatives and Senator to STOP all of this in our schools and stop using our children as political pawns

3) Work to elect local board members, and other political legislators committed to literacy and academic excellence in our schools.

4) Keep this issue in front of presidential candidates as they visit New Hampshire. Ask them if they support or oppose Common Core in our Schools.

5) File “Right to Know” requests and look at the grant money flowing into your school.

6) Attend local school board meetings and demand better quality academic standards for your school.