This video is going viral and it SHOULD. It’s bad enough that parents are frustrated by the Common Core aligned curriculum that is destroying any chance at their child’s future in a math field. But now we have a New Hampshire State Representative bothered by parents who contact him and exercise their voice in this democratic process.

SB101 passed the New Hampshire Senate and was recently brought before the New Hampshire House Education Committee. Parents from around the Granite State mobilized by e-mailing the Committee members and testifying in support at the hearing.

There was overwhelming support by parents in favor of SB101 which would prohibit the state from requiring implementation of common core standards. Why? Because parents are fed up with these new academic standards in math and English.

This petition already has almost 1500 signatures calling for the end to Common Core in NH.

Where are all of those parents who want Common Core? No where to be found.

Parents are trying to work for better standards in their local schools only to be told they have no choice but to use them because they are mandated by the state. Parents are then told by the NH DoE that Common Core Standards are “voluntary.”

SB101 clarifies; “This bill prohibits the department of education and the state board of education from implementing the common core standards in any school or school district in this state.”

Schools are still free to use Common Core, however schools can adopt better quality standards instead.

This is available right now which is why Wakefield’s School Board rejected the problematic Common Core standards in favor of the higher and better OLD Massachusetts standards.

By placing this language into statute, there is no confusion and adds clarity to this mess we have in NH.

Today the House Education Committee debated and discussed SB101. During this discussion, Representative Mel Myler from Merrimack District 12 made some shocking comments regarding the parents who contacted him asking for his support.

We remind you of the smiliar comments made by Commissioner Barry about a year ago when HB1508 was brought before the House Education Committee. New Hampshire Commissioner Barry described parents as, “SMALL, LOUD and CONFUSED.”

We can also look at past comments from the U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan who also patronized moms who opposed Common Core as, “….white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were…”

We’ve got news for the elitists who think they know better than parents, we do know what we are talking about and we still don’t like Common Core.

Rep. Myler’s comments have gone viral now and only add to the problem we are seeing from this top-down approach to education reform. Those who continue to force this on schools marginalize parents who now have to deal with this mess at their kitchen table.

We encourage all New Hampshire residents to call Rep. Myler or send him a respectful e-mail letting him know what you think of his remarks.
Home Address:
PO Box 82
Contoocook, NH 03229-0082
Phone: (603)746-5294

The good news is, SB101 did PASS the House Education Committee. The majority HEARD what the parents said and voted YEA. See the photo below to see how the committee members voted.
