WARNING: Invasive Survey Coming to Keene from UNH

If you live in KEENE, make sure you read through this new survey. How can a survey claiming to be anonymous start out with specific questions that can identify the student? There is nothing about where this information goes. Who owns this data? What will be done with...

Who’s Working Against Parents In NH? We Are Naming Names

This year is proving to be quite the battle for parents who want control over their local schools versus allowing the Feds to run their schools with the help from the New Hampshire Dept. of Education. We’ve highlighted pro-parent legislation like HB206 and how...

PARENTS BE WARNED: School Districts Surveying Your Children in NH

This is a recent e-mail sent to parents in Exeter, NH.  Notice that the common theme in these form letters is that you are supposed to get excited that you were “chosen” to give the Government all kinds of personal information on your child and your...