The Failures in Kentucky Coming to New Hampshire Next?

Warning to Representative Mary Gile (D) and the other Reps who think following Marc Tucker (the Common Core GURU) is a good idea. Take a look at what’s happening in Kentucky. Representatives Mary Gile (D), Rick Ladd (R) and Terry Wolf (R) invited legislators to...

Is Marc Tucker’s DISASTER in KY Coming to NH Next?

Marc Tucker, who will be speaking tomorrow to New Hampshire legislators, can now take credit for the disastrous results he helped to bring about in Kentucky. The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), headed up by Marc Tucker, has been consulting with...

Hate Common Core? NH has a chance to tell the Chief Architect

We are wondering why two Republicans on the House Education Committee, Rep. Rick Ladd and Terry Wolf, are joining Democrat Rep. Mary Gile, to bring one of the chief architects of Common Core to New Hampshire WITHOUT any critics to counter his propaganda? If the two...

URGENT MEETING: Parental Rights on Surveys

If you recall, there was an effort to help pass important legislation last session that would have required PARENTAL WRITTEN PERMISSION before the school could SURVEY your children. Rep. Terry Wolf worked hard to remove “written permission” from the...