More Teaching, Less Testing Please!

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: MORE TEACHING, LESS TESTING PLEASE! It astonishes me how much standardized testing our children are being subjected to in schools today. We have the NECAPS, NWEA, NAEP, ACT, ACT ASPIRE, and now the Smarter Balanced Assessment Tests (SBAT). Do...

WARNING on Smarter Balanced Assessment

Still thinking about letting your kids take the Smarter Balanced Assessment in the Spring? I’d suggest you read through this first: SBAC and Psychometric Testing Filed in Uncategorized...

NASHUA Presentation on Smarter Balanced Assessment

Scott Mantie, Ph.D., Administrator – Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Smarter Balanced, NECAP, Alternative Assessments, NAEP, and Curriculum Frameworks, will give brief the Nashua Board of Education on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) in a special...

The Final Straw: Cancel Our Labor Contracts, We Cancel Your Tests

OPT OUT OF THE STATE TEST: The National Movement posts: When the State Recovery Board cancelled Philadelphia’s teachers contract, it may have removed the last hurdle to a national opt out movement of standardized testing. Up to now, teachers have only sporadically...

New Hampshire Education Reforms: A set up for failure?

This is a VERY informative article from the Manchester Union Leader on the new “Teacher Evaluations” being used in the Manchester School District. Please read through it then note the comments at the end of the article.  To read the FULL article, click on...