Does NH State Senator Jeff Woodburn Hate Public Education?

NH’s foreign born population better educated than our native born population? Sen. Wooburn offered no detailed facts to back up his statement nor has he been engaged in the fight against the dumbed down Common Core education reform that’s been plaguing our...

NH Senate Ed Committee Votes Against HB603 & Against NH Parents

New Hampshire parents, once again your rights are under attack by the Senate Education Committee. The Senate Education Committee today voted 3 to 2 against parental rights (HB603) in New Hampshire. HB603 : This bill declares that a student exempted from taking the...

NH Parents: Your “Parental RIGHTS” Are Under Assault Again

Parents your voices were silenced in the Senate Education Committee yesterday but you have one more opportunity to change that. HB206 required school districts to adopt a policy regarding student participation in non-academic surveys or questionnaires. The original...


Senate Schedule 4/14/2015 1) 9:00 AM 4/14 LOB 103 HB 323, relative to the administration of the statewide assessment program. Please attend this important hearing on testing and OPPOSE HB323. If you cannot attend, please send an e-mail to: