Will Your School Break NH Law? Why So Much Secrecy in TESTING?

We encouraged parents to request the questions and answers on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) their children took last spring. While many refused to take the SBA, those who took it have the right to look at every question and answer their child was given per New...

Has the NH Commissioner Been Lying to Parents?

Now that the abysmal Smarter Balanced scores have come out, the spinning has just begun. The Common Core soldiers in the state are spinning these results to avoid some of the tough questions that come from this testing scheme. In the past, New Hampshire under...

PARENTS in New Hampshire, REFUSING the Common Core Assessments UPDATE

We received a copy of this letter from a parent to her school administrators. She gave us permission to post this however we felt it was best to remove the names of the parents and their child. The purpose of posting this is to give parents guidance on how to address...

How The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Set Students Up To Fail

The Smarter Balanced Assessment set students up for failure. This explains why…. EXCERPT: In September 2014, the group that developed the SBAC test announced for the first time that the SBAC test would fail 67% of the students who took the test. Here is a quote...