Common Core is a Path to ILLITERACY

Everyone, including the NH DoE, has acknowledged there is too much testing going on in the schools and not enough learning. We’ve presented information on the dumbing down in the NH schools through Competency Based Ed. The Common Core Math and English standards...

Another Stupid Idea: Student Led Conferences

Maybe we should just let the Feds run our schools.  After all they are controlling what food is served, what tests we use (that drives the curriculum) and how to evaluate our teachers.  Those are just a few reforms brought to us by the U.S. Department of Education vs...

TEACHERS are SPEAKING, Governor Hassan Continues to Ignore Them

LISTEN TO THESE TEACHERS. They are counting on PARENTS to fight this reform effort. Many face a HARSH reaction from administrators if they go public. This is a video from NY teachers. You need to know that NY is ONE year ahead of NH on administering the Smarter...