UPDATE: HB206 Surveys and Teaching White Privilege to NH Students

The Committee to Study Non-Academic Surveys or Questionnaires Administered by a Public School to its Students met on Weds. Sept. 1st. Below are the notes from that meeting. Please note that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday September 14th, 2015 – HB 206 Regular...

URGENT MEETING: Parental Rights on Surveys

If you recall, there was an effort to help pass important legislation last session that would have required PARENTAL WRITTEN PERMISSION before the school could SURVEY your children. Rep. Terry Wolf worked hard to remove “written permission” from the...

Who’s Working Against Parents In NH? We Are Naming Names

This year is proving to be quite the battle for parents who want control over their local schools versus allowing the Feds to run their schools with the help from the New Hampshire Dept. of Education. We’ve highlighted pro-parent legislation like HB206 and how...

NH Gun Owners BEWARE

Surveys given to students have caused quite an uproar in New Hampshire. Children have been questioned about their sexuality, drug and alcohol use, their families and all kinds of personal information. HB206 attempted to put in some parental control when schools survey...