Our Coercive U.S. Department of Education

I guess one would be led to believe that having the U.S. Department of Education REVOKE the state’s No Child Left Behind Waiver was a bad thing.  We would ask you to consider a few things first. If every state rejected Common Core and all of the strings attached...

WARNING: NH Schools implementing national SCIENCE standards

Did YOUR School Board vote on this? NH School Districts are implementing Next Generation Science Standards which correspond to Common Core English Language Arts and Math State Standards. SAU 14 EPPING SAU 21 HAMPTON — This is Senate Education Chair Nancy Stiles’...

Wakefield, NH School Board Rejects Common Core

Breaking News: The Wakefield School Board votes to REJECT Common Core tonight. Schools are lining up to reject the Common Core Standards in New Hampshire. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...

Opting Out Why Ian Will Never Take State Tests

From a Teacher… “Opting Ian out of these state tests will help Ian become a healthier, more confident student–I am certain of that. If I allowed Ian to follow the same path of so many children before him, children who learned differently but were told they...