Mar 30, 2014
by Ann Marie Banfield This week the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted against HB 1508 which would have terminated Common Core (CCSS) in New Hampshire. What would have happened? New Hampshire could have reverted back to the old State Standards that were...
Mar 30, 2014
A leaked email from the deputy executive director of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), one of the nonprofits that developed and owns the copyrights to the Common Core standards, indicates the group is mobilizing Common Core supporters in the face of...
Mar 29, 2014
Parents across the country may hold the key to this year’s mid-term elections as they vent their anger over the implementation of a controversial education achievement measure called the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Forty-five states and the District...
Mar 29, 2014
Update: The video has been made private but you can read this teacher’s words here: Sikeston Teacher Tearfully Describes Bullying and Intimidation She Suffered for Opposing Common Core If the following video does not load on your device, use this direct link:...