Apr 17, 2014
The NH House Education sub-committee recommended killing this legislation to prohibit the dispositional questioning on New Hamsphire’s statewide assessments. They voted (3-1) to ITL SB 343 on April 17, 2014. These same legislators opposed dispositional questions...
Apr 16, 2014
Breaking News: The Wakefield School Board votes to REJECT Common Core tonight. Schools are lining up to reject the Common Core Standards in New Hampshire. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...
Apr 14, 2014
Ann Marie Banfield discusses the provocative and controversial Bedford survey with “Education Matters” in Manchester. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...
Apr 12, 2014
The Concerned Residents of Wakefield (CROW) met at Lino’s Restaurant and heard three speakers talk about Common Core, the most insidious sweeping federal takeover of education that has ever been attempted. Rep Glenn Cordelli, Rep Jane Cormier and activist Doris...
Apr 5, 2014
You’d better believe that someone will be ‘in your classroom telling you how to teach’ because we’ve been there, done that! The U. S. Chamber of Commerce has just released this “puff piece” video entitled “It’s Time for Common Core State...
Mar 31, 2014
Below is a short video of the reality of the dumbed down Common Core Math standards. It may surprise many people knowing the CCSS are better than what many states had in place. However he honestly acknowledges that there were states that HAD far superior math...